Hi, I’m Kristie! Welcome to Mana Energy Collective.
For a long time, I thought I was broken. There were so many stories I told myself about my life, my past, my body, who I was, and my limitations because of all of that. I lived according to rules that I didn’t even believe in. I judged others, and most importantly, myself, so harshly. Everyone saw something in me that I could never see in myself. I was always very “successful” by society’s standards, but I was never happy. I was always searching for something, searching for more. All the searching was outside of me.
I never actually took the time to go inward. I was terrified about what I might find. To ask myself the hard questions and sit with the sometimes-uncomfortable answers. To go through the process of unpacking the trauma and realizing that we are not defined by these things. We are not what has happened to us, or the shame we carry around events and people from the past. There is so much more to who we are and who we can be. I have done the work over the last let’s call it three years. I have always had anxiety and depression and I have seen a therapist or have been dealing with this for as long as I can remember, my earliest memory of it is when I was 5 years old. However, nothing was working in terms of me “getting better.” I wasn’t ready to accept things, to feel things, and honestly, I wasn’t being taught the correct way to process and feel things. I used alcohol, drama, screen time, blaming others, being a workaholic, and any other distraction to keep me from owning my truth.
I am so grateful for my journey and the fact that it has brought me here. I have learned a new way of self-care for myself. An unapologetically selfish way of asking for and taking what I need for my physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. I have learned to release judgement of myself and others. I can spend time with myself. In fact, as a recovering extreme extrovert, I even enjoyed the downtime of quarantine because I really learned to love myself – spending time with my thoughts, journaling, meditating, painting, just slowing down – shocking I know. I feel free, a freedom from my negative thoughts and limiting beliefs that I have never felt, and I want the same for you. Don’t we all deserve a little more happiness?
All the healers in this collective are people who have helped me in my journey along the way. They all have something so special and unique to offer you.
At Mana, I am bringing together a community of people who want to learn how to raise their vibration and explore different paths to healing their whole self. I love being around people who are endlessly searching just like me: searching for their truest highest selves, searching for truth, searching for happiness, searching for love and connection with others and with the universe. I’m only interested in spending my days becoming who I am meant to be and helping others do the same. This is our place.
As an online community member, you will have access to our newsletter, thought leadership by each healer in the collective – get insights into their chosen modality and their thoughts on life, healing, parenting, etc., access to our Facebook group where you can engage with the community and get your questions answered, enrollment in our book club, access to member only discounts and giveaways, and first dibs to sign up for retreats, events, and space in our healing center when it opens later this year!
Join us and learn to care for yourself in a new way.